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Arrested five citizens, and sequestered nearly 900 kilograms of drugs!!!!

Police from the anti-drug Department snapped down on cross-border drug trafficking, arrested five citizens, and sequestered nearly 900 kilograms of drugs. Special Forces( A5) of the Department of anti-drug Crime administered the disquisition for further than 3 months with the collaboration of Mr. Sith Van Deputy Prosecutor of the Phnom Penh Municipal Court Phnom Penh. The technical force of the anti-drug Department launched a crackdown operation, asking for the intervention of the Preah Sihanouk Provincial Police and Water Border Police Force( Koh Preap), which adjoined the crackdown on 3 different marks in a row. Target 1 At Group 11, Village 3 Sangkat 1, Sihanoukville, Preah Sihanouk Province, arrested 1 suspect, 1 truck, 1 boat, and 44 bags of drugs( ketamine). Mark 2 At Group 2, Village 3, Sangkat 3, Sihanoukville, Preah Sihanouk Province, arrested 3 suspects and 2 motorcycles. Target 3 At Koki village, Bit Trang vill, Prey Nob quarter, Preah Sihanouk terrain, arrested one suspect and one bus. A total of 5 suspects have been detained 5 suspects 1- TONG JIAN XIN, 71 times old, Chinese. 2- GAO ZHI BIN, 49 times old, Chinese. 3- LI YONG XIN, 48 times old, Chinese. 4- ZHONG JIAN LIN, Male, 36 times old, Chinese. 5- JAN XI TONG, 52 times old, Chinese. Captured drug validation – KETAMINE importing 871 kg, 200g. – 1 vehicle – 1 boat – 1 bus – 2 motorcycles. The suspects and exhibits seized have been transferred to the Sihanoukville Police to make the case according to the procedure.

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